To the members of the RE Robotics & Engineering Team, 2008-2009:
I know you guys may have had to cut some corners on your 15 lb robots to finish the 120 on time and to have them ready for competition, but I'm sure you'll manage to pull through. The first battlebot made by the team, X-Contamination, arrived at the 2005 Nationals after being finished just the day before. It was probably the most MacGuyvered robot there, with several wooden structural components. That year we beat the odds and returned with 4th place. Even if your robot is eviscerated in the first match, don't give up! X-Contamination lost every single first match at every competition it attended.
To the drivers: Don't get worked up over the robot you have to go up against next. If you approach it calmly, you can still win.
To the Juniors who I helped teach in my Senior year: Don't forget to help your less experienced teammates.
And to all of you, remember to be sportsmanlike at all times. If you destroy another team's robot and they're not eliminated yet, help them make repairs and prepare for the next match if at all possible.
Finally: Leave no robot intact. Two robots shall go into the arena. Make sure yours is the only one that comes out
Good Luck.
-Jeff L, President '05-'07