welllllll i left pine view in the most capable hands that it had to offer, which fell far short of what was required. They basically failed at life this year, and did absolutely nothing. So... I emailed one of the vice principals, explained that I was concerned that Copperhead, which I put a massive amount of time, effort, and money into, was collecting dust while the club was moving in a different direction, and offered to buy it. The club's faculty advisor from last year, the school's treasurer, and the principal and vice principal, all of whom I befriended during my high school career and engineering club adventures, decided that I had contributed enough to the bot so that I could walk away with it and not pay them anything, but I felt bad doing that. My dad actually paid for it - so he went in with a $1000 dollar check. They called him the next day saying that it was unnecessary, because I had already put enough into it to make it pretty much mine by right, and asked if he would like to reconsider. So he wrote a check for $500 cause we didn't want to leave the club minus a robot and with no cash to show for it.
Basically, I got it for nothing. It's probably worth about $5000 or so in parts!